
Everything You Need to Know About Who Invented the Windshield Wiper
Windshield wipers are a magnificent, indispensable invention that’s mostly taken for granted nowadays. Believe it or not, the first iterations of cars didn’t have this standard equipment, and when snow, hail, heavy rain or the like would block a driver’s view, they had to stop their vehicle and wipe it off by hand. This was…
How To Avoid A Cracked Windshield Caused By Construction
Summer is a wonderful time of year filled with patio drinks, picnics in the park, and road trips across the Great White North. As Canadians, summer is a season we look forward to all year, and we do our best to make the most of the warm weather. That being said, there is one major…
Seven Signs Your Windshield Was Installed Incorrectly
Replacing a windshield is a complex process that requires impeccable timing, attention to detail, and a comprehensive understanding of the logistics of car windshields. Despite what the Internet may say about your ability to DIY your broken windshield, it’s always best to get it installed by a professional. With that in mind, it’s also important…
How to be the Best Owner to your Car
There are few relationships more intimate and important than that of a person and their car. Allow us to explain: Who was there for you when you drove your wife to the hospital when she went into labour? Your car. Who graciously drove 10 hours to a hockey tournament with the whole family in tow…
How to Buy a New Car
Buying a new car can be a pretty complicated process for the average person, especially if you don’t have an affinity for all things car-related. A car is a high involvement purchase, which means the stakes are much higher if a mistake is made. Whatever car you buy will be in your life for at…